Welcome to the Miller Lab at UCR



Dr. Miller’s laboratory focuses partly on genetic transformation of insects for practical ends. Past projects included pink bollworm and tobacco budworm. Current projects include symbiotic control of Pierce's disease in grapevine and fungal control of crop pests.


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Find Your Passion

The Miller lab actively encourages undergraduate students to get involved in the research being done here. We subscribe to the notion that careers are found not in the classroom, but while actively doing something practical. Working in an active research lab is one way to find one's passion. We also subscribe to the notion that technological breakthrough is unpredictable. If a laboratory sticks to a rigid schedule the first victim of this constraint is creativity. Thus we avoid forcing a standard pair of shoes onto our students. Instead, we let the students pick their own shoes. We offer loose guidance based on research funding support goals, but students are encouraged to find their own solutions to research problems.


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